Carrot Treat Bag
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- Clear Cone Shaped Treat Bag • 30086748
- - or Wilton Disposable Decorator Bag • 77654848
- 2 yd. Emerald Green Curling Ribbon • 77408021
- 2 yd. Citrus Green Curling Ribbon • 77281147 or Light Green • 30051651
- Orange Colored Snacks to fill bag (Cheetos, Gold Fish Crackers, Cheese Nips, etc)
- Take one of the clear plastic cone shaped bags and open at top. Fold over the top edge about an inch, this will make it easier to fill. Fill the bag with orange colored treats, stopping at about 1-1/2 in. - 2 in. from the top edge.
- Cut a 6 in. length of either curling ribbon. Gather the top of the treat bag closed, slightly twisting to keep out any air. Tie the piece of the ribbon around and knot securely.
- Use the scissors to curl the remaining lengths of curling ribbon. Gather ribbon together into about 6 in. loops. Tie the middle of the loops onto the top of the bag. Ribbon loops should unfurl down like "carrot" top leaves.